Global Healing, Uncategorized

December 9, 2022

Domination Versus Partnership

When severe hierarchy and domination is taught in families rather than more egalitarian models then inequities around gender, race, class etc. are accepted and perpetuated in society! 

The systems of domination and hierarchy that allow the 99% to exploit the 1% are actually taught in rigid authoritarian families that use punishment and violence to control through fear.  

Where there is a more egalitarian relationship between men and women like in Nordic societies there is less poverty and stratification as well as less crime and a higher standard of living. 

In fact, the status of women in a culture is a better predictor than anything else of the standard of living and quality of life in that society! 

We live in an economic system in America that gives no value to the work of nurturing and care taking 

even though none of us would be alive and none of us actually thrive without it. 

Despite the important essential nature of this work it is paid less than other work. 

In our American culture workers are encouraged to basically work themselves to death 

And since it takes two incomes for a family to survive, no one is left to raise the children or nurture the family. 

Additionally the hidden costs of environmental devastation and loss of resources as well as the abuse and extinction of animals and the costs to human lives and health have not been factored into the cost of things like factory farming, mass production of cheap poorly made products that end up in landfills and the large amount of untested chemicals that have been poured into our environment continually for decades. 

Corporations exploit nature and people with little to no accountability to communities or even government. 

Poverty, unemployment, homelessness, the disappearance of the middle class and the hoarding and concentration of excessive wealth and power into the hands of only a few as well as environmental devastation and social unrest is growing at an alarming rate. 

To turn this ship around we need to start at the heart, at home and in families. Until traditionally “feminine” values, roles and work like nurturing and care taking are valued equally if not more than technology used for destruction we will not have an equitable and just society free of blights like racism, poverty, homelessness, addiction and child sex trafficking. 

Both Socialism and Capitalism have failed us because they have both been built on a dominator top down power and control model out of balance with a partnership oriented relational caring and more egalitarian model. 

In other words we need The Feminine at this time on the planet and we need Her badly! 

We need to give higher value to relationality, nurturing and caring for ourselves, others and our world! 

Please read Riane Eisler’s The Real Wealth of Nations! (There is an abridged or shortened version) 

Blessed Be Dear Ones. 

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