


master dating, sex and Relationships with men

and Become Ecstatic and Full Body Orgasmic!

Next Start Date! May 1st

Sacred Seductress is a 6 week process for Boss Babes and Earth Angels who love and give too much, ending up depleted, lied to, cheated on, dumped, ghosted or worse. This course takes you from the negativity, heartbreak and loneliness that is keeping you stuck to experiencing embodied bliss and ecstasy, inspiring male attention and devotion and ultimately becoming full body orgasmic!
I love to empower women with the confidence to go after anything they desire and I love to have fun!

Become Full Body Orgasmic

To embodied bliss and ecstasy

From negativity, heartbreak and loneliness

This course is for you if:

you've ever been confused or hurt believing a man when he told you everything he thought you wanted to hear

like insinuating or saying he wanted a relationship, wanted to have children or even saying he loves you just to have sex with you and then leaving you feeling betrayed and devastated afterwards

you either don’t enjoy sex or you feel like you enjoy sex too much

you know there must be more than what you have been experiencing in relationships or sex

you have been rejected by men who were not even up to your standards

you love to feel in love and express your love showering your partner with adoration and affection which scares him away

you keep accidentally overwhelming and scaring away potential partners with your intensity

you've been called needy or clingy or just too much or too emotional in a relationship

Find out what is possible for you sexually and in a relationship that you've been missing out on.

Learn tantra secrets and practices to experience full body ecstasy and attract the man and relationship of your dreams. Learn how to be pursued. Have fun dating and have plenty of suitors so you can choose the man who is right for you rather than settling for less than you deserve.

Gain unfuck-with-able self love and self esteem!

Stop feeling cheap, used or unappreciated by men.

Replace stuck negative painful emotions of heartbreak, loneliness and self loathing with self love and embodied joy and ecstasy! That is how we fully heal emotionally and sexually!

Exalt your femininity, sexuality and heart so you recognize your true value and get rewarded for it! Be the Billion Dollar Boss Babe You Were Born To Be!

Embody your power and natural expression through doing your sexual healing work which we all need to do as a result of our sex and body negative culture so you can reliably experience full body orgasm!

Heal shame and guilt and bring innocence and naturalness back to your sexuality and your life!

Heal and change inherited dysfunctional sex and relationship patterns! Create a new and more empowering sex and relationship template!

Learn about sex and relationship dynamics, attachment and how we bond from a reliable source based on science, research and psychology.

Enjoy a private, curated and supportive feminine community!

Awaken Your Sensual Goddess Superpowers.

Learn how to Live in Full Body Bliss 2 Breaths Away From Orgasm!

Ready for These Results?


I've dedicated the last 20 years to a Divine Feminine spiritual path of relationship, love, sensuality and experiencing divinity through the body, nature and through pleasure.

My personal journey has taken me from being shut down sexually and frigid, frozen with shame and unable to be in the moment to relax and enjoy even being touched let alone having sex without having flashbacks from the sexual abuse I endured as a child and young woman to becoming a fully ecstatic, joyfully embodied multi-orgasmic woman who is comfortable in my body and can enjoy wild passionate primal sexuality as well as spiritual transcendent tantric union.

I love helping women break out of their defeating and depressing relationship templates and patterns and transform the shame and guilt they have been carrying around in their body for decades so they can really receive pleasure on every level of their being and in every area of their lives. I love showing women that all of this is possible and it is meant for them! Your dreams and desires have been given to you by God and your dreams are waiting for you to break out of old limiting stories and patterns and claim your God given birthright and Queendom!


Im Amber St. Germain the creator and CEO of Empress University as well as a Therapist, (MFT) Coach and Somatic Sexologist and **I believe what the Dalai Lama said in 2009 at the Vancouver Peace Summit, “The world will be saved by the western woman,” which is why I empower women in their relationships, sex lives and businesses.**

I grew up in a culture like many of us that did not honor feminine ways of being, repressed feelings, was not sex positive and viewed pleasure of any kind suspiciously. Because of this I grew up feeling disconnected from my own feminine and from pleasure. As a result over 20 years ago I began to study Goddess Spirituality and through my embodied meditation practice had a spiritual awakening where I was really able to feel my feelings for the first time in my life. It was like being a blind person who was finally able to see!

After that I dedicated my life to a Divine Feminine spiritual path which is the path of relationship, love, sensuality and experiencing divinity through the body, nature and through pleasure. Many women feel disconnected from themselves and their true nature because they have been cut off from their natural spirituality and pleasure.

My Divine Feminine spiritual path began in earnest in my early 20s when I became a Dianic Wiccan Priestess in a traditional year and a day priestess school.  The high priestess and my teacher for years at that time was Kim Duckette PhD one of the first professors in women’s studies and Goddess Spirituality and the woman who started the first rape crisis center in the US. I went on to study Tantra and Sacred Sexuality for many years and to become a Magdalen Lineage Tantra Priestess. Both of these priestess paths are about relationship, love, sensuality and nature as a spiritual path that is natural and authentic for women.

meet your mentoR

After I began to study and practice tantra full time I went through the worst break up of my life at 28. At the time I was a Boss Babe running a healing center with my partner who I found out was cheating on me with our friends, the women who worked for me and even our maid! I was so devastated and in so much pain I felt like I was in hell in the underworld and I could hardly sleep or get out of bed. I threw myself into my own personal growth path and solo tantra practice which allowed me to move the painful stuck negative energy out of my body and to experience joy and ecstasy for perhaps the first time in my life. To my surprise I suddenly had suitors and past lovers showing up at my door with flowers and shortly after I got together with my soulmate and partner who I was with for 15 years and who was my biggest supporter and cheerleader.

My personal journey has taken me from being shut down sexually and frigid, frozen with shame and unable to be in the moment to relax and enjoy even being touched let alone having sex without having flashbacks from the sexual abuse I endured as a child and young woman to becoming a fully ecstatic, joyfully embodied multi-orgasmic woman who is comfortable in my body and can enjoy wild passionate primal sexuality as well as spiritual transcendent tantric union.

I love helping women break out of their defeating and depressing relationship templates and patterns and transform the shame and guilt they have been carrying around in their body for decades so they can really receive pleasure on every level of their being and in every area of their lives. I love showing women that all of this is possible and it is meant for them! Your dreams and desires have been given to you by God and your dreams are waiting for you to break out of old limiting stories and patterns and claim your God given birthright and Queendom!

“I’m a late bloomer and always considered myself shy and not particularly attractive or sexy. I identified more as a wife and mother but my marriage was seriously lacking romance and passion. I knew there must be more than what I was experiencing. When I found myself surprisingly single in my mid forties after a harrowing divorce I knew I needed support if I was going to have a good experience dating again. I wanted to get back in touch with my inner Aphrodite and see what I'd been missing.

What attracted me to Empress University is Amber’s background as a Marriage and Family Therapist and Tantra Teacher. She really knows what she is talking about and teaches you the psychology and biology behind men and dating and the mating process. I know from hearing other women’s experiences that Empress University saved me a lot of time and heartbreak. I actually did have fun dating and exploring and reinventing my own version of being a sex goddess.

Now I have an incredible man and partner in my life who makes me feel like a goddess everyday. I'm experiencing the deep soulful love and romance I always wanted. One thing I love about Amber’s work is that she always emphasizes quality and being a pleasure connoisseur as well as the spiritual aspects of sexuality. That really resonated with me and was what I think I really always wanted. Empress University is a supportive sisterhood and Amber is a five star teacher and coach! I would recommend her work to any woman really wanting to blossom in her sensual and spiritual life and to call in a deep soulful relationship.”

Sharon from Tulsa Oklahoma, School Teacher, 46


What's incLuded:

• 3 90 min live group masterclass calls 

• A one on one private Ancestral/Past Life Healing Coaching Call with me (90 mins)
(Worth the cost alone!) 

• 3 tantric practice videos featuring yours truly and written course material  

• Group support and accountability

• A private active group forum where I personally respond to messages and questions at least 3 times weekly

• Weekly Group Full Body Orgasm Breath morning practice and weekly intention setting!

Course OutLine:

Module 1- Ancestral Lineage Healing
Feminine Foundation: Building the foundation to become multiorgasmic and awaken your sex goddess superpowers.

Week 1- deliver video and PDFs 
Bliss Practices to move stuck energy PdF
Tantra Practice for Clearing stuck Anger and Pain Video and PdF
Preparing for a Lineage Healing PdF
How to Give Supportive Feedback in our group PdF

Week 2- Group Masterclass Call- Welcome, Bliss practices to clear stuck energy and heartbreak plus Ancestral Lineage Healing and Q and A (90 min)

Week 3- Home Play: Post about your experience with the practices to the private group and give supportive feedback to at least 3 other people.

Module 2- Bliss Transmission- Live in Full Body Bliss 2 Breaths Away From Orgasm! 

Week 4- deliver video and Pdfs 
Owning Your Desire and Longing PdF
Full Body Orgasm Breath Practice Video Transmission and PdF
Empress Dance Of Sensual Embodiment Practice Video Transmission and Pdf 

Week 5- Group Masterclass Call on Desire, Longing, Fire Breath Orgasm Practice, Tantric Dance and Q and A (90 min)
Week 6- Home Play: Post about practices to the private group, upload your own Empress Dance Of Sensual Embodiment Transmission video and give supportive feedback to at least 3 other people.

Week 7- Group Masterclass Call on The Art of The Courtesan and Empress Love Coach Certification


Bonus: Fertility Empowerment and Natural Birth Control Training as well as How we Bond and the Hormones of Love Video and PdF (Worth the cost alone!)


In this course not only will you receive 3 live group masterclass calls with me you will also receive a one on one private Ancestral/Past Life Healing Coaching 90 minute Call with me which is worth over $500 alone!

In this call we will work together to clear the most pressing ancestral, family or even past life blocks you may have to having what you most want in your life. One Ancestral Therapy, as I like to call it, also called Inherited Family Trauma, Family or Systemic Constellations and Akashic Record or Soul Reading is powerful enough to equal a year or more of talk therapy!

The cost of this course which will change your life and relationships forever is

One payment of $997

Or 2 payments of $597

Pay in Full

Payment Plan

"Before Sacred Seductress and Empress Love Coach Certification I always seemed to attract men who just wanted to have sex with me. Through working with Amber I became multi-orgasmic with my clothes on and learned how to work with a man’s sexual energy and most importantly his heart. I quickly learned how to use sexual energy to stop having to chase men and to have them chasing me instead! That was fun for a while. Now I have a devoted boyfriend and we create incredible tantric rituals together! This is so much better than anything I could have imagined before. I'm so grateful to have found Empress University!”

Celeste from SF, Therapist,  28


“Amber St. Germain is a very compassionate and empathic person and an incredible teacher and I can't recommend her highly enough. Shortly after completing her Sacred Seductress course and Empress Love Coach Certification I met my soulmate and life partner and the rest is history!”

Tammy, Bay Area, Massage Therapist, 37

“I was going through one of the most difficult times in my life when I worked with Amber St. Germain. My fiance had recently broken off our engagement. Amber did relationship coaching with the two of us including an incredible astrological couples reading as well as doing a Tantric Activation VIP day with me individually and I can truly say that working with Amber was pivotal to my husband and I moving forward and getting married soon after we completed our work with her. In particular Amber helped my fiance who is almost a decade younger than me feel more confident and capable of making a solid commitment. She also helped me really feel myself sensually again and to bring pleasure into the painful places that had shut down when he broke off the engagement. We are married now and have a beautiful christed daughter. I highly recommend Amber and her work with women as well as couples.”

Amanda Noelle, Twin Flame Matchmaker, SF,

Try the course Risk Free

I'm so sure you will love my course that I am willing to offer a 30 day money back guarantee minus the cost of the one on one private Ancestral/Past Life Healing Coaching Call with me if you are not seeing results as long as you have done the work. We can have a conversation and you can decide if you want to end your commitment to the course and receive your money back. However, I believe you will see results and find the material and experience invaluable and would never consider returning it.

