Empress love coaching

ceRtification Academy

12 Week Mastermind

Land Any Man, Master Sexual Dynamics and 
Become Multi-Orgasmic!


Turn the tables on the runner and chaser dynamic, inspiring adoration and devotion by connecting his sexuality to his heart.

Embody your sensual innocence AND become multi-orgasmic!

Inspire, empower and coach other women to do the same. We were born for this time and we are the ones we've been waiting for!

Master seduction and men’s sexual and emotional energy to inspire devotion! Awaken Your Sacred Seductress and Master The Arts of The Courtesan!

Master The Arts of The Courtesan in a 12 week Mastermind for Earth Angels who love and give too much, ending up depleted, lied to, cheated on, dumped, ghosted or worse. Learn how to put yourself and your pleasure first in order to become an Empowered Seductress who gets everything she wants from the bedroom to the boardroom! Become joyfully embodied and multi-orgasmic, radiant and magnetic to inspire male devotion and become irresistible to men. You will have fun mastering the arts of courtesan including sacred seduction and men’s sexual and emotional energy so that you can rise together in love. You will learn from the best while having a supportive circle of sisters around you! The bottom line is you will feel confident, adored and fulfilled in your personal life which translates to every other area of life including business and money!

6 tantric practice videos with me and written course material 

Group support and accountability 

A private active group forum 

Where I personally respond to messages and questions at least 3 times weekly

Weekly Group Fire Breath Orgasm morning practice and weekly intention setting!

Bonus Fertility Empowerment and Natural Birth Control Training as well as How we Bond and the Hormones of Love Video and PdF (Worth the cost alone!) If you already have this you may gift it to a friend! 


Module 1- Own Your Pussy and Pleasure Power- Become Pleasure Central! 

Week 1- deliver video and Pdfs
a- Ecstatic Self Healing Vulva Massage PdF
b- Become Pleasure Central Questionnaire PdF- Receiving touch, expanding capacity, 5 senses, What do you love? What brings you pleasure?
c- Jwala Sexual Healing Video
d- Ecstatic Pussy Massage Healing Video of Chris and Yours Truly
Week 2- Group Masterclass Call and Q and A
Week 3- Home Play: Share your experience with the practices and share What Do You Love and What Brings You Pleasure and give supportive feedback in the private group to at least 3 others. 

-In person retreat weekend and or private VIP days! 

Module 2- Courtesan You- Learn to Seduce (The 12 ways to seduce, Which ones are your superpowers?) 

Week 4- deliver video and Pdfs
            e- 12 Ways to Seduce PdF
            f- 12 Ways to Seduce Webinar
            g- Dangerous Beauty the Movie
            Week 5- Group Masterclass Call and Q and A
            Week 6- Home Play: Share your experience with the 12 Ways to Seduce and give supportive feedback in the private group to at least 3 others. 

Module 3- The Lion Tamer and Dragon Rider- Ride the Dragon and Tame the Lion, Edge play for life, power, and getting what you want! Master his sexual energy and teach him to seduce you so that you both can have multiple orgasms! Understand Sex, Bonding, Attachment and Hormones. 

           Week 7- deliver video and Pdfs
            A- How to Master His Sexual Energy PdF
            B- How to give a Vadra Healing Erotic Massage Pdf 
            C- How to give a Vadra Healing Erotic Massage Video with Ben of Tantra Punk and I
            Week 8- Group Masterclass Call and Q and A
            Week 9- Home Play: Share your thoughts, feelings and or experiences with mastering his sexual energy and give supportive feedback in the private group to at least 3 others. 

Module 4- Using Your Magical Powers to Get What You Want in Bed and Beyond- 
Get Clear about what you want, practice sex magic and anticipation, celebration, and letting go. 

            Week 10- deliver video and Pdfs
             A- Magic to Call in Your Desires and Beloved PdF (Candle Magic, Sex Magic-Ovulation and Moon Time magic, Setting up an Altar Constellation)
             B- Excerpt of Tallulah’s Sex Magic Ritual Video from Divine Nectar 
             C- Setting up an Altar Constellation to call in Your Beloved or anything else you want Video 
             Week 11- Group Masterclass Call and Q and A
             Week 12- Home Play- Setting up Your Altar and sharing your experience with the practices/altar and giving supportive feedback in the private group to at least 3 others. 

Bonus Module- Calling in Your Beloved, Soulmate, Life Partner and What’s Next

Week 13- Where to Find Him and How to Attract Him PdF 
Plus Bonus Group Masterclass Call offering continued private soulmate attraction coaching and/or year long Coaching Certification and Q and A. 1k discount for signing up for Empress Soul Business Academy now. Optional Home Play- share your experiences of the practices and give supportive feedback in the private group ongoing. 

$2700 plus private coaching call for 333. (total 3,033)

Optional VIP day/ Tantra Initiations in person in fabulous locations or virtual retreat for 997 and Group Retreat 497. Add 10% for payments. 


Attract and land any man you want by becoming multi-orgasmic and mastering sexual and relationship dynamics!

Sexual Empowerment Training to Awaken Your Inner Courtesan! Unveil and become the unique Sex Goddess you are! Know exactly when and how to have sex with him. Claim his heart and his loyalty. Be worshiped as the Queen you are.

“I’m a late bloomer and always considered myself shy and not particularly attractive or sexy. I identified more as a wife and mother but my marriage was seriously lacking romance and passion. I knew there must be more than what I was experiencing. When I found myself surprisingly single in my mid forties after a harrowing divorce I knew I needed support if I was going to have a good experience dating again. I wanted to get back in touch with my inner Aphrodite and see what I'd been missing. 

   What attracted me to Empress University is Amber St. Germain’s background as a Marriage and Family Therapist and Tantra Teacher. She really knows what she is talking about and teaches you the psychology and biology behind men and dating and the mating process. I know from other women’s experiences that Empress University saved me a lot of time and heartbreak. I actually did have fun dating and exploring and reinventing my own version of being a sex Goddess. 

   Now I have an incredible man and partner in my life who makes me feel like a Goddess everyday. I'm experiencing the deep soulful love and romance I always wanted. One thing I love about Amber’s work is that she always emphasizes quality and being a pleasure connoisseur as well as the spiritual aspects of sexuality. That really resonated with me and was what I think I really always wanted. Empress University is a supportive sisterhood and Amber is a five star teacher and coach. I would recommend her work to any woman really wanting to blossom in her sensual and spiritual life and to call in a deep soulful relationship.”

Sharon from Tulsa Oklahoma, School Teacher, 46


I created Empress Love Coach Certification and Academy to...

...empower boss babes and earth angels who love and give too much in their relationships, sex lives and businesses so they no longer end up depleted, lied to, cheated on, dumped, ghosted or worse and instead create a new more empowering blueprint for love, sex and money, heal their inherited family trauma and create the life partnership and soul business of their dreams! I empower women i certify to share this work with others because people need sexual and relational healing and coaching desperately now more than ever to heal humanity and the earth for the benefit of all beings and the survival of humans, animals and eco-systems. The artificial western splits between body and mind and spirituality and sexuality have resulted in the devaluing of the feminine, the body and the earth which has created abuse, destruction and denigration of the sacred. As we reclaim the value of the feminine path of spirituality through the body, sexuality and sacred relationship we exalt the sacred aspects of our world and return them to their rightful place of honor and value and divert devastation and extinction as we heal our world.

Amber St. Germain has many years of study and training in sacred sexuality and tantra and has helped thousands of individuals and couples have better sex lives and relationships. Through her study, practice and work coaching others she healed her own sexual and relationship templates and was able to go from power over sexual dynamics and attraction to and relationships with unavailable and addicted men to soulmate partnerships, a healthy marriage and spiritual sexual multi-orgasmic ecstacy! Empress Love Coach Certification and Academy is a modern day sexual priestess school for mastering relationship and sexual dynamics and initiating others on the path of spiritual sexuality as a Priestess of Love. Amber has a degree in Body Based Psychology with a focus on relationship, sexuality and Attachment Science. She uses Inherited Family Trauma (Hellinger Systemic Constellations) and past life work to rewire her clients nervous systems to attract the relationships, experiences and money they desire.

meet your mentoR

“Before Empress University I always seemed to attract men who just wanted to have sex with me. Through working with Amber St. Germain I became multi-orgasmic with my clothes on and learned how to work with a man’s sexual energy and most importantly his heart. I quickly learned how to use sexual energy to stop having to chase men and to have them chasing me instead. That was fun for a while. Now I have a devoted boyfriend and we create incredible tantric rituals together. This is so much better than anything I could have imagined before. I'm so grateful to have found Amber St. Germain and Empress University!”

Celeste from SF, Therapist,  28


“Amber St. Germain is a very compassionate and empathic person and an incredible teacher and I can't recommend her highly enough. Shortly after completing her Sacred Seductress and Empress Love Coach Courses I met my soulmate and life partner and the rest is history!”

Tammy, Bay Area, Massage Therapist, 37

“I was going through one of the most difficult times in my life when I worked with Amber St. Germain. My fiance had recently broken off our engagement. Amber did relationship coaching with the two of us including an incredible astrological couples reading as well as doing a Tantric Activation VIP day with me individually as well as with my partner and I can truly say that working with Amber was pivotal to my husband and I moving forward and getting married soon after we completed our work with her. In particular Amber helped my fiance who is almost a decade younger than me feel more confident and capable of making a solid commitment. She also helped me really feel myself sensually again and to bring pleasure into the painful places that had shut down when he broke off the engagement. I highly recommend Amber and her work with women as well as couples.”

Amanda Noelle, Twin Flame Matchmaker, SF, DrAmandaNoelle.com

"She has no fear but yet she teaches in such a loving way."

“She helped me through my own personal process and the questions I had both in regard to my personal life and my work in the world...She stressed ethics and personal integrity and is masterful in creating initiations and rituals. My work with Amber was a foundational element of the thriving practice I now have.” 

Tamara M.- Massage Therapist and Relationship Coach- Santa Cruz, CA

“My experience with Amber was one of the most enlightening and
soul changing experiences of my adult life. Amber St. Germain has a way of making you feel safe, accepted, and empowered as the goddess you were destined to be...I think of my time with her often which was life changing and consider meeting Amber a pivotal part of my growth as a spiritual and sensual woman. My experience with her inspired me to make a promise to honor the Goddess within at all times.”

Kelly K.- Northern California

“Amber St. Germain really embodies what she teaches as an Ecstatic Goddess and Priestess and she has great depth, wisdom and character. The Tantric coaching I did with her really helped to activate my own ecstatic nature and helped me to embrace the pleasure principle in my life as a fully orgasmic woman and Goddess. She inspired me to create exquisite and life changing Tantric rituals with my lover and to dedicate myself to my personal path of embodying pleasure. Her teachings and example also inspired me to become a Priestess of a women’s community and to teach Tantra myself and more fully actualize myself with my work in the world. Amber is one of the women I admire and respect the most and I would highly recommend her work and coaching to anyone.”

P. G.- Ontario, CA

  It is time now for women to rise up and come together in Sacred Sisterhood to support each other to fully come into our power and gifts especially in the realms of relationship, sexuality and healing. Women have a natural affinity for and a natural authority in the realms of Sacred Relationship and Sacred Sexuality as a spiritual path. The world needs our passion, our wisdom and our soul missions now more than ever. It is time to exalt our feminine desire for Sacred Partnership and allow our gifts and our wisdom in this realm to be seen, heard and celebrated! I invite you to join Empress Love Coaching Certification Academy. We were born for this time and we are the ones we've been waiting for! 

