

CEO and creator of Feminine Power University, a Therapist (MFT), Certified Coach and Somatic Sexologist. As a Tantric Dianic Magdalene Priestess and Ordained Minister of Madonna Ministries International I'm also a progressive practicing Christian.

Welcome to Empress University! I’m Amber St. Germain (MFT) and I Empower Boss Babes to Call In Their Soulmate, Life Partner and Husband and Create Their Soul Business Success Online! I do what I do to help Boss Babes be happier and free up their time and energy so they actualize their soul mission and make the world a better place for us all. The world needs our soul purpose and missions as women now more than ever. The world needs our happiness, health and our full actualized potential as women. The world needs our dreams, our passion and our soul business. If women remain disempowered in any way the world we live in will not fully heal. It starts with cultivating our own consciousness, our own self love, and our own healing, nurturing ourselves and our happiness and bringing our missions, visions, goals, dreams and desires to the world to change the world. We are the ones we've been waiting for and we were born for this. 

how to work with me >>


Hello, i'm ambeR

Be the Billion Dollar Boss Babe You Were Born To Be! Never be lied to, cheated on or ghosted ever again!

Exalt your femininity, sexuality and heart to recognize your true value and get rewarded for it! 

Get the romance and love you crave! Get the attention, romance and love you deserve! 

Never be seen as needy, clingy, too emotional or just too much again!
Never feel like you have to chase men, love or commitment ever again! 
Gain unF-with- able self love and self esteem! 

Heal shame and guilt and bring innocence and naturalness back to your sexuality and your life! 

Learn why you have always been attracted to and attracted the wrong men or bad boys and what to do about it! 

Keep the new love energy alive in your relationship forever! 
Learn how to inspire any man to commitment and providing and protecting.

Learn about sex and relationship dynamics, attachment and how we bond from a reliable source based on science, research and psychology.

Experience the kind of relationship you've always dreamed of! Have the best sex and relationship of your life. 

i take a stand for you to...

I love seeing women learn how to really enjoy their femininity and get to be pursued and adored by men as well as to make more money in business using their feminine while having more happiness and better health. 


Things that tickle my fancy

I Love To Travel, Learn About Other Cultures, and Try New Things.

I frequent Farmer’s Markets for Local Organic Produce and Artisan Local Made Goods.

A highlight of my life includes living off the grid in Hawaii and Swimming With Wild Dolphins!

I love having friends over for tea and homemade treats and creating relaxing environments and intellectual and emotional sharing salons. I paint Goddesses.

I do yoga and chant for world peace and I'm a Christian Mystic. I believe in Miracles.

 I love really good tea and coffee and eating passion fruit and Lehua honey in Hawaii. I'm definitely a foodie!

I love heavy blankets on a cold night, an orchestra of frogs in the evening in the South-eastern US where I grew up and the smell of Orange Blossoms in the spring in Southern Cali. 

Im a Sex, Relationship and Business Witch. Compassionate, Empowering and Trauma Informed, I understand the Alchemy of Turning Traumas into Superpowers! I know the Science of Rewiring the Nervous System to hold more Energy, Joy and Happiness and to Recreate one's Relationship, Sexual and Money Templates so one can have much better life experiences and more success! I'm a great Play, Fun and Travel Concierge. I also Clear Family Generational and even Past Life Traumas and Karmas to assist my clients in getting Unstuck and in Reaching Their Goals. I Empower Empresses.


What I do;

 I grew up in a culture like many of us that did not honor feminine ways of being, repressed feelings, was not sex positive and viewed pleasure of any kind suspiciously. Because of this I grew up feeling disconnected from my own feminine and from pleasure. As a result over 20 years ago I began to study Goddess Spirituality and through my embodied meditation practice had a spiritual awakening around really being able to feel my feelings for the first time. It was like being a blind person who was finally able to see!

   After that I dedicated my life to a Divine Feminine spiritual path which is the path of relationship, love, sensuality and experiencing divinity through the body, nature and through pleasure. Many women feel disconnected from themselves and their true nature because they have been cut off from their natural spirituality and pleasure. 

My Divine Feminine spiritual path began in earnest in my early 20s when I became a Dianic Wiccan Priestess in a traditional year and a day priestess school. The high priestess and my teacher for years at that time was Kim Duckette PhD one of the first professors in women’s studies and Goddess Spirituality and the woman who started the first rape crisis center in the US. I went on to study Tantra and Sacred Sexuality for many years and to become a Magdalen lineage Tantra Priestess. Both of these priestess paths are ultimately about Relationship, Love, Sensuality and Nature as a spiritual path and one that is natural and authentic for women. 

   After I began to study and practice tantra full time I went through the worst break up of my life at 28. At the time I was a Boss Babe running a healing center with my partner who I found out was cheating on me with our friends, the women who worked for me and even our maid! I was so devastated and in so much pain I felt like I was in hell in the underworld and I could hardly sleep or get out of bed.  I threw myself into my own personal growth path and solo tantra practice which allowed me to move the painful stuck negative energy...

My Journey

In order to magnetize your soulmate and life partner and create your soul business we need to help you move past emotional pain and get the stuck negative energy out of your body so you can experience embodied joy and ecstasy which is irresistible to the right man! The right man for you will be the biggest supporter and cheerleader for your dreams and goals and for what makes you authentically happy and joyful!

Have the relationship you've always wanted while creating your soul business success online!

...out of my body and to experience joy and ecstasy for perhaps the first time in my life. To my surprise I suddenly had suitors and past lovers showing up at my door with flowers and shortly after I got together with my soulmate and partner who I was with for 15 years and who was my biggest supporter and cheerleader. 

  I wish I could say we lived happily ever after but after getting together with my soulmate at 28 I was diagnosed with a debilitating autoimmune condition at 30 which I struggled with for over a decade. As a result I leaned on my partner too much since I didn't feel empowered in the world of business and he had a good job. However, he was dealing with health issues of his own. At the lowest point in my life and in my health I literally lost everything overnight including my partner and I was down to my last thousand dollars living in an RV at an RV park at the beach in southern California. 

   With my last thousand dollars I was able to create a 6 figure business within 6 months and in the process get my health and my soulmate back! At the time i reversed a chronic disease doctors tell you is not curable and i was able to realize my superpowers as a miracle maker and Boss Babe by healing my relationship to the masculine energy within and without, the Divine Masculine God and Christ Consciousness to understand what sacred masculine energy is really about. 

   My journey has taken me from being shut down sexually and frigid, frozen with shame and unable to be in the moment and relax and enjoy even being touched let alone having sex without having flashbacks from the sexual abuse i endured as a child and young woman to becoming a fully ecstatic joyfully embodied multi-orgasmic woman who is comfortable in my body and can enjoy wild passionate primal sexuality as well as spiritual transcendent tantric union.

Stop being brutalized by the dating world and master relationship & sexual dynamics with men while becoming ecstatic and full body orgasmic!

Turn the tables on the runner and chaser dynamic inspiring adoration and devotion by connecting his sexuality to his heart, embody your sensual innocence and become multi-orgasmic and learn to coach other women to do the same! 

A Year and a day Priestess School and Coaching Certification For Boss Babes Who Want to Launch Their Soul Businesses Online.






Call in Your Soulmate, Life Partner and Husband and Experience The Love of Your Life While Claiming Your Throne as an Empress of Love Having Unshakable Confidence, Inner Security and Self Love!  

Sacred Marriage, Queendom, and Melissa Playshops and Retreats as well as Sexual Healing, Sexual Priestess and Sex Goddess Playshops, Retreats and Certifications…

Explore my best-selling masterclasess, replays, free resources, and other tips and tools to empower your feminine in life, love, and business.




“I was going through one of the most difficult times in my life when I worked with Amber St. Germain. My fiance had recently broken off our engagement. Amber did relationship coaching with the two of us including an incredible astrological couples reading as well as doing a Tantric Activation VIP day with me individually and I can truly say that working with Amber was pivotal to my husband and I moving forward and getting married soon after we completed our work with her. In particular Amber helped my fiance who is almost a decade younger than me feel more confident and capable of making a solid commitment. She also helped me really feel myself sensually again and to bring pleasure into the painful places that had shut down when he broke off the engagement. We are married now and have a beautiful christed daughter. I highly recommend Amber and her work with women as well as couples.”

– Amanda Noelle, Twin Flame Matchmaker, SF

"She has no fear but yet she teaches in such a loving way."

“She helped me through my own personal process and the questions I had both in regard to my personal life and my work in the world...She stressed ethics and personal integrity and is masterful in creating initiations and rituals. My work with Amber was a foundational element of the thriving practice I now have.”

– Tamara M.- Massage Therapist and Relationship Coach- Santa Cruz, CA 

“My experience with Amber was one of the most enlightening and
soul changing experiences of my adult life. Amber St. Germain has a way of making you feel safe, accepted, and empowered as the goddess you were destined to be...I think of my time with her often which was life changing and consider meeting Amber a pivotal part of my growth as a spiritual and sensual woman. My experience with her inspired me to make a promise to honor the Goddess within at all times.”

– Kelly K.- Northern California

“Amber St. Germain really embodies what she teaches as an Ecstatic Goddess and Priestess and she has great depth, wisdom and character. The Tantric coaching I did with her really helped to activate my own ecstatic nature and helped me to embrace the pleasure principle in my life as a fully orgasmic woman and Goddess. She inspired me to create exquisite and life changing Tantric rituals with my lover and to dedicate myself to my personal path of embodying pleasure. Her teachings and example also inspired me to become a Priestess of a women’s community and to teach Tantra myself and more fully actualize myself with my work in the world. Amber is one of the women I admire and respect the most and I would highly recommend her work and coaching to anyone.”

– P. G.- San Diego, CA

“Amber St. Germain is fully committed to excellence and health and brings to her one of a kind educational work a wisdom and a savoir faire that is held by few others. Amber’s loving, supportive and insightful approach helps her to coach people toward their heart’s desires and a life that not only serves them but others as well...She deeply understands the spirit of a woman and helps women to find their voice in creating a relationship that is nourishing and supportive. ”

– Patrice Carrington- Hypnotherapist and Health and Sleep Coach- San Diego

“I have many years of experience in women’s circles and women’s work and feel that what Amber is teaching is unique and powerful. She is a graceful, passionate, and eloquent presenter and able to hold a safe container for women to go deep together.”

– Jumana Sophia Presiding Priestess of The Goddess Temple of Ashland and HER Mystery School

“Amber St. Germain is a powerful woman full of compassion and boasting a lifetime of initiatory experience and able to hold a rare multi-dimensional field of transformation for those who are blessed to work with her.”

– My mentor and one of my main teachers in Hellinger Constellations and Tantric Dance Felice Laurel- Ashland Oregon

“Since working with Amber ive been able to experience full body orgasm and multiple orgasms for the first time in my life! I actually cried after making love with my husband the other day and told him I want my children to be able to experience this! Just yesterday I told him that I didn't know I could feel this good! I'm so grateful to have met and worked with Amber and finally to be able to release the shame and guilt and to not pass it on to our children! Working with Amber I felt comfortable with her the whole time and there was just the right amount of challenge.”

– M.M. Nashville, Mom of 3

Here is what some of them have had to say:

Over the last 15 years I've helped literally thousands of people, singles and couples, have better happier relationships and lives by becoming more orgasmic and more joyfully embodied.

Amber has a background in professional dance and performance art. Her undergrad degree was in Modern Dance at UNCG and later completed at The California Institute for Integral Studies in Spiritual Activism from where she also studied Expressive Art Therapy. She has many years of experience in Bellydance, Sacred Prayerformance Art and Tantric Dance which she loves to teach. Her influences include Zoe Jakes, the Dance of The Divine Feminine, Source Dance and Kashmiri Shiva Dance. 

Amber lived at a spiritual retreat center in her 20s practicing yoga and meditation and studying Ayurveda and was certified in Herbalism and wildcrafting and became a Holistic Doula and birth partner and an advocate for gentle birth practices. 

She ran a healing center in Seattle which was the center of a thriving community where therapists and healers of all stripes worked and she hosted teachers and workshops from around the country. 

She co-taught Tantra workshops in San Francisco with a group of third wave Source School Tantra Teachers and colleagues called The Tantra ReEvolution Project aka. The Tantric Circus where she taught about female sexuality with the creators of the visionary art film on female ejaculation Divine Nectar. She travelled with the collective to teach on tour as far as the Hawaiian Islands and the northwest where they were featured teachers at an Erotic Arts festival. 

She was a founding member of The Goddess Temple of Ashland Oregon.

She has traveled much of the world including studying Tantra and Ayurveda as far away as Thailand and India. Her favorite places have been northern california where she lived for a number of years and visiting the southwest, Hawaii, Bali and Malaysia and natural hot springs everywhere. She plans to travel more in Asia and Europe. 

She received her master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and Marriage and Family Therapy with a concentration in Somatic Psychology which uses awareness, breath, sound, and movement to treat trauma as well as for personal growth. Somatic Psychology is the main therapy used currently to treat trauma.

She also studied Clinical Sexology as part of her graduate studies. In fact she focused her graduate work on sexuality and how we bond and studied a field of research called Attachment Science as well as Pre and Perinatal Psychology which Santa Barbara Graduate School was known for. Attachment Theory is a fascinating field of study that is actually giving Attachment Oriented Therapists like Amber evidence based ways of working with couples that can help them have healthier relationships and successfully stay together unlike the old therapy models which most therapists still use where they don’t have the tools to help couples and therefore usually encourage them to break up. 

After more than 4 years of full-time study to receive her graduate degree she worked as the only therapist at a Domestic Violence women’s center working with the most difficult cases of women actively in DV relationships. During that time she also did a DV advocacy training. 

She is Certified in Hellinger Systemic Family Constellations or Inherited Family Trauma through Mark Wolynn and The Family Constellation Institute in the Hellinger lineage and has also studied under Felice Laurel. 

She's written several books.

Amber is an Ordained Minister through Madonna Ministries International.

She is an Archetypal and Shamanic Astrologer with study in multiple systems of astrology including The Gene Keys. 

She's been Certified as a Reiki Master and an Advanced Theta Healer and reborn and baptized as a progressive Christian Mystic.

She completed a Relationship Coaching Certification and well as a year long Coaching and Marketing school with Next Level Coaches and has completed several other marketing courses including Master Brand and Sacred Sales. She has studied under online marketers Amanda Noelle, Akara Sofia and Nicolette Ray to name a few. 

Amber has been on a Goddess centered spiritual path as an awakened visionary leader and entrepreneur for nearly 20 years. 

She is currently excited to offer her soul business Empress University to the world to Certify Boss Babes in Online Coaching and plans to publish her books, hopefully become a mom and travel the world even more.


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