
St. Germian


“I have many years of experience in women’s circles and women’s work and feel that what Amber is teaching is unique and powerful. She is a graceful, passionate, and eloquent presenter and able to hold a safe container for women to go deep together.” Jumana Sophia Presiding Priestess of The Goddess Temple of Ashland and HER Mystery School

I’m Amber St. Germain (MFT) and I Empower Boss Babes to Call In Their Soulmate, Life Partner and Husband and Create Their Soul Business Success Online! I do what I do to help Boss Babes be happier and free up their time and energy so they actualize their soul mission and make the world a better place for us all. The world needs our soul purpose and missions as women now more than ever. The world needs our happiness, health and our full actualized potential as women. The world needs our dreams, our passion and our soul business. If women remain disempowered in any way the world we live in will not fully heal. It starts with cultivating our own consciousness, our own self love, and our own healing, nurturing ourselves and our happiness and bringing our missions, visions, goals, dreams and desires to the world to change the world. We are the ones we've been waiting for and we were born for this. 


ambeR St. geRmain

CEO and creator of Empress University, a Therapist (MFT), Certified Coach and Somatic Sexologist. As a Tantric Dianic Magdalene Priestess and Ordained Minister of Madonna Ministries International I'm also a progressive practicing Christian Mystic.  

• ASEP, The Association of Sexual Energy Practitioners for which i was a founding member
• Multiple Daka Dakini Conferences hosted by Baba Dez and The Sedona School of Temple Arts which was the beginning roots of ISTA, The International School of Temple Arts
• The Sedona Sacred Business Conference
• The Goddess Temple of Ashland for which I was a founding member
• Multiple years at the DevaDasi San Francisco Dance Festival 
• Akara Sophia’s Hathor Workshop in San Diego and her Magdalen Wounds Course online
• Festivals including Earth Dance and Beloved
• Multiple classes, workshops and meet ups that I've hosted including my courses. 

I love to speak at conferences and events of all kinds!

I've been a presenter at numerous events including and not limited to

• Attachment Science and How We Bond

• Attachment Styles including Insecure, Ambivalent, Avoidant, Disorganized and Secure Attachment Styles and The Runner and Chaser Dynamic

• Hormone and Neurochemistry Differences Between Men and Women

• Why We Fall In and Out of Love

• Chemistry and Trauma Bonding

• Inherited Family Trauma

• Fertility Awareness, Empowerment and Herbal Birth Control 

• Sexual Healing and Empowerment for Women

• Becoming Multi Orgasmic for Women and Men including The Spectrum of Female Orgasms and Female Ejaculation

• Relationships, Sex and Trauma 

• Next Level Relationships and Sex

• Polyamory and Creative Monogamy

• Healing Hashimoto's and Autoimmune Conditions

• Tantra Yoga 

• Empress Dance (Informed by Tantric Dance of The Divine Feminine, Kashmiri Shiva Dance, Somatic Psychology and Authentic Movement, Sacred Bellydance and Tantra and Kundalini Yogas)

• The Heart Centered Player for Men

• The Arts of The Courtesan and The Sacred Seductress Archetypes of The Enlightened Feminine

• Memoirs of a Tantrica

• Birthing Empowerment and The Psychedelic and Ecstatic Nature of Child Birth (I’m a Certified Holistic Doula with Whapio Bartlett and The Matrona School of Sacred Birthing)

• Healing The Inner and Outer Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine and The Divine Marriage

• The Dark Goddess, Modern Women’s Empowerment Through The Fierce Feminine Face of God and The MahaVidyas Tantric Indian Wisdom Goddesses

• Women’s Red Moon Red Tent Wisdom Practices and Monthly Sacred Seasons Superpowers for Productivity, Passion and Power! (Based on The Optimized Woman by Miranda Gray, 4 Seasons in 4 Weeks by Suzanne Mathis McQueen among others) 

• Sexual Mastery, Ejaculatory Choice and Becoming Full Body Orgasmic for Men

• Sacred Sexual Practices and Energy Orgasms including Full Body and Multiple Orgasms and even Chakra Centered Orgasms! 

• Relationships and Sex as a Spiritual Path of Enlightenment and The Christed Couple

• How to Heal Your Sex, Relationship and/or Money Template and Actually Get What You Want!

Topics I speak on:
