The Christed Couple

Seminars and 
Certification Courses

Conscious Relationship and Sacred Sexuality Seminars and Certifications for Mystics, Spiritual Seekers and Progressive Christians to cultivate a deeper connection to self, significant other and The Divine and experience sacred sexuality in committed partnerships with passionate, sustainable Spiritual Sex.

Shame, guilt, sexual repression and negative cultural conditioning keep most people from ever experiencing their potential for pleasure and real embodied joy and even knowing what is possible in the sensual realm. As a result, most people have a dissconnect between their heart and their sexuality and between love and sex. Women especially are conditioned culturally to repress their sexuality resulting in sexless and loveless marriages or sex lives that are boring, stilted and lacking in excitement, passion and pleasure. Our modern sex negative hookup culture with airbrushed models and rampant porn create unrealistic expectations, especially for men, and add even more stress to marriages. The result is often lack of romance and connection and too often infidelity and even divorce.

What if you knew you have an unlimited capacity for pleasure and embodied joy and that actualizing that is a direct doorway to your happiness, success and power?

Imagine if you knew how to seduce your partner on every level, to connect their heart and their sexuality and help them become easily full body orgasmic to experience their limitless capacity for pleasure and joy. Imagine what that would do for your connection, your marriage and even your family. Imagine being part of creating a sex positive culture that honors sensuality, pleasure and the sacredness of sexuality and practices discernment and responsibility in the sensual and sexual realms.

Beyond sexuality, often couples have other challenges that create feelings of being stuck and emotionally stagnant which creates impasses and stalemates that don't allow the couple to truly blossom in love and grow and evolve together. To address these issues my partner Joseph Merrick and I are highly trained and skilled in resolving Inherited Family Trauma and Generational Curses using Family Constellations and Systemic Constellations as well as Deliverance.

Joseph Merrick began his path to healing and enlightenment late in life following the death of his wife in 2019 after 23 years of marriage. His journey from corporate executive to facilitator and coach required that he confront and address his repressed sexuality that had plagued him during his dating life and marriage.

I teach with my fiance ​​Joseph Merrick.

Merrick has included the study of Inherited Family Trauma, Attachment Theory, Taoism, the Mankind Project, tantra, and sacred sexuality among others as he worked to transform his life. He writes about his transformational healing journey and about Radical Masculinity™. He has also developed a series of daily modern Taoist sexual energy rituals for men for vitality, virility and prostate health. He is engaged to Amber St. Germain and credits her with introducing him to many of the modalities that he now practices, including an inclusive and progressive Christianity that has given him access to a personal relationship with the Divine.

As a Marriage and Family Therapist and teacher of Compassionate Communication (NVC) we guide you safely through the depths of intimacy and heart connection and support you to access your passion and desire and explore new possibilities of pleasure. Having been through our own journeys of sexual healing and becoming more joyful and orgasmic we know what the journey entails and are wise and playful guides.

    Sacred sexuality practices are especially wonderful for women and couples. We specialize in helping couples heal from sexual shame, guilt, abuse and trauma and open up to their fully joyful and orgasmic natures. I personally specialize in teaching women how to guide their man to master ejaculatory choice and become full body multi-orgasmic as well. Our spiritual sexual approach allows us to take things slow and get comfortable with each other which tends to work best, especially for women.

“Amber is a master coach, teacher and practitioner. She did a masterful job of every detail about our experience. She pays attention when you talk, hears and onboards what you say. She crafted the experience around us, and the small touches were recognized. Meditations, breathing, and playful energy building were engaging and fun. She created an atmosphere of pure sensuality and indulgence, and made us feel 100% at ease and comfortable, and ready to learn. We will absolutely be keeping in touch with Amber.”

- C.S. and J.S., Raleigh


We offer coaching for couples including group seminars, 12 week certifications and private retreats tailored specifically to your needs.

These experiences include a curriculum of progressive initiations that build upon each other and take you both deeper into intimate connection with each other and activate your full potential as lovers, partners, mates and fully ecstatic and orgasmic couple. 

If you are interested please fill out my application here for a couples strategy call with me so I can learn more about your goals and challenges, to determine if you’d be a good fit for our courses and to create a personalized plan just for the two of you.


“My wife discovered new sensations, new areas that felt amazing she had never noticed before. She found her voice in being able to direct me to what felt good. Watching you on the table she said was actually incredibly beneficial, and she found that it "gave her permission." We were both completely at ease with the entire weekend, despite our anxiety walking in. You did an absolutely masterful job of creating comfort, atmosphere, chemistry, and energy that built and crested through the weekend. We agreed this was something we would love to do again even regularly.”

— PT, Charlotte


A Christed Couple Weekend Seminar, Private Retreat or 12 week Private Certification Course together is an ideal gift to give your Beloved and an amazing way to nourish your relationship.

Your relationship deserves

a fun and deep group seminar or sensual and playful private Christed Couple retreat as well as our transformational 12 week private or powerful and sexy nine month group Christed Couple Coaching Certification Courses to master sex and relationship dynamics and rewire your nervous systems for real lasting joyful embodied change.

Eden- Sacred Seduction and mastery of attraction, lust, desire, and the physical sensual world. 

Heaven- Understanding how and why we fall in love, infatuation versus love, the hormones of love and the differences between how and why men and women fall in love and The Science of Attachment and bonding. How to know and embody natural erotic innocence and spiritual sexuality to create heaven on earth. 

Co-Creation- Procreation and the alchemy of creating your lives together, navigating conflicts and power struggles, personal will versus Divine Will, and Feminine and Masculine Dynamics. 

The Crucible- The natural seasons of a relationship, death and resurrection in relationship, and healing the wounded heart. How to grow together in love rather than apart and renew your relationship emotionally and sexually to keep the love and passion alive forever. 

Communion- Communication, expressing truth, dealing with and bypassing hellish relationship states and impasses, Inherited Family Trauma and Generational Curses and reaching sustained states of Higher Love.

Vision- Seeding your future, building the Kingdom together, and knowing and walking in Divine Will for you as a Christed Couple embodying authentic Divine feminine and masculine Christ Consciousness, Christ and Magdalene, Mother Mary, Holy Spirit and Sophia (Divine Wisdom). 

The Crown- Divine Union, High Priest and Priestess, King and Queen Consciousness, Receiving The Gifts of The Spirit and Christed Couple Anointings and sharing them with your community and the larger world.

The Christed Couple Year Long Coaching Certification Course and School For Mystics

1st Year- Christed Couple Certified Coaches

2nd Year- Christed Couple Certified Trainer/Teachers

Trainer/Teachers apprentice as assistants to The Priest and Priestess Pastors and Master Teachers leading The Christed Couple Coaching Certification Course and School for Mystics for a reduced cost. Teacher/Trainers must fulfill a number of coaching hours and receive supervision and mentorship to become Master Teacher/Trainers. 

3rd Year- Christed Couple Certified Master Trainer/Teachers
Master Trainer/Teachers attend at a reduced cost and lead various aspects of the training and may be eligible to facilitate Christed Couple Coaching Certification Courses after completion of their third circle through The Christed Couple nine month course and school for mystics.

Certification Process

“My wife and I met Amber a couple of years ago in San Francisco. The experience exceeded our expectations and it truly improved our relationship. When you have been married as long as we have, that is quite a compliment to Amber and her work with couples."


"Tonight was amazing and you are amazing. I learned so much already and am inspired to heal. You were so personable, made us both feel so comfortable right away, the flow was natural and inviting; it was just all around a wonderful experience. Just wanted to say thank you again."

“We have felt a sense of calming euphoria since Saturday, that has persisted strongly all the way through this Tuesday afternoon. We have felt aligned, connected, and in step with each other almost inexplicably. It has been wonderful.
Our senses have remained heightened. Going on walks here, smelling coffee in the morning, gentle touches we give each other throughout the day. All of this has been elevated. We are going to work very hard to maintain this, as it has been very intoxicating. I personally have felt a constant state of arousal. It has not waned at all, and has been there, just under the surface even in my day to day. This is all just the afterglow of everything from this past weekend retreat with you...

Immediately after her session, she talked about being 100% completely in the moment, and completely in tune with everything, every touch, sensation, energy and the like. She’d never felt so much pleasure or even knew it was possible. However, she updated her sentiment after my session. She said, ya know....I thought I had completely let go during my session, but i realized I hadn't. I really let go during your session. 

Prior to our weekend, she has a girlfriend whom she said it might be fun to do this couples retreat with. Then, after her session, I asked her again. Now that you’ve done it, and you know what is involved, would you still do this? and she said, surprisingly, Oh yeah, definitely."

“The experience that Amber facilitated for me and my wife had a profound impact on our relationship and sex life. With her guidance I feel like I was able to slow down and for the first time really look at and touch a woman and learn how to please her more fully.”
