claim your


Exclusive Empress Coaching

Attract Success, Money and The Love of Your Life!

Private One on One coaching for ambitious Boss Babes who want it all!


Stop being brutalized by the dating world as you master relationship & sexual dynamics with men that will let you step into having fun in dating again- wining, dining and having sexy romantic weekend escapes that HE will never forget! 

No longer be the woman that is being dropped by men after the first erotic encounter as you help him connect his sexuality to his heart so he becomes devoted & attentive to you beyond just the bedroom!

Leave the old patterns of low self-worth and self-depreciation behind as you deeply connect to the Divine as your ‘’beloved’’ and become a woman that can deeply receive love and adoration- in her body, mind, and pussy! 

Instantly attract the “right men” by embodying your sensual innocence through tantra healing practices that will liberate you from sexual shame & repression! 

 Learn how to turn the tables on the runner and chaser dynamic [also known as the pursue/withdrawal or insecure/avoidant trap] by rewiring your sexual & relationship template to make you a magnet for love & commitment! 

Ready for These Results?

Attract men who are your equals.

Be with men who can match you and woo you!

Stop feeling like you have to mother or support any man and be supported for a change. 

Relax and enjoy being in your feminine for more happiness and health. 

Enjoy being pursued and courted. 

This is for you if you desire to:

Your biological clock is ticking and you don't have time to waste going on hundreds or thousands of first dates to find “the one” especially when most of the good ones are already taken. 

You don't have any more time to waste. You deserve support. You deserve to have fun. You deserve romance. You deserve to be with “the one” having the time of your life! You deserve The Love of Your Life! Let's make it happen! 

Often men online dating want to keep things in the realm of fantasy via email only and never meet in person. (Is he married, grossly overweight, pretending to be someone else?) 

If you do meet them in the flesh they often don't look as good as their photos or even anything like their photo. (Was that his graduation photo from 20 years ago?) 

And let's just be real, many men out there in the dating pool are immature, looking for a woman half their age and or a total fantasy girl who looks like a supermodel and “is always happy” and does not exist. 

If you have been online dating for long you know what I'm talking about. Dating can be brutal. 

You need an advantage, a secret weapon if you will. That is where I come in. I've been there and done that and I have powerful real world hacks to save you an enormous amount of time as well as save you from excruciating emotional pain and suffering and unnecessary battering of your self esteem.

You are ready to be experiencing the love of your life now, already.

Who am I? I'm a Boss Babe like you.

By my late 20s I was running my own healing center in Seattle’s desirable Greenlake area. At that time I was running both my own personal busy healing practice and my healing center where massage therapists and healers of all stripes worked.

Additionally I was bringing teachers and artists from out of town to teach as well as hosting community events. It was an infamous era in Seattle’s underground culture history and although I was making six figures from my personal healing practice alone, the expenses of running a large healing center and hosting everything I was hosting were astronomical. I was overworked and overstressed and my health and happiness were suffering as a result.

On top of everything else I found out that my live-in massage therapist ex model boyfriend of several years who I also worked with was cheating on me with the women who worked for me, my colleagues and supposed friends! He was even having sex with our maid! I broke up with him and tried to extricate myself from the numerous social circles we were both part of since seeing him was so painful. I was still running the healing center while being seriously depressed and going through a dark night of the soul. I felt like I was in hell, in the underworld. I could hardly sleep at night and then I could hardly get out of bed during the day. To deal with the excruciating pain I threw myself into my physical spiritual practices and into nurturing my personal growth and healing. 

    The result was that after a short time of doing powerful sensual embodied spiritual practices I felt better than I ever had in my life. I felt embodied joy, ecstasy and happiness that I had never experienced before! I was in a state of perpetual samadhi one breath away from full body orgasm and wow did men respond to that energy of embodied joy. I had ex boyfriends and love interests I hadn't seen in ages showing up on my doorstep with flowers! That is when I finally got together with my soulmate and the rest is history. He has been my biggest support and cheerleader in making all my dreams come true.

With a graduate degree in Body Based Psychology (MFT) and decades of experience helping thousands of individuals and couples change their relationship and sexuality templates, I am uniquely qualified to help you find and keep the love of your life and have fun in the process!

I believe that any woman can attract her soulmate and life partner with the powerful sensual embodied practices I teach.

 “I’m a late bloomer and always considered myself shy and not particularly attractive or sexy. I identified more as a wife and mother but my marriage was seriously lacking romance and passion. I knew there must be more than what I was experiencing. When I found myself surprisingly single in my mid forties after a harrowing divorce I knew I needed support if I was going to have a good experience dating again. I wanted to get back in touch with my inner Aphrodite and see what I'd been missing. 
   What attracted me to Empress University is Amber St. Germain’s background as a Marriage and Family Therapist and Tantra Teacher. She really knows what she is talking about and teaches you the psychology and biology behind men and dating and the mating process. I know from other women’s experiences that Empress University saved me a lot of time and heartbreak. I actually did have fun dating and exploring and reinventing my own version of being a sex Goddess. 
   Now I have an incredible man and partner in my life who makes me feel like a Goddess everyday. I'm experiencing the deep soulful love and romance I always wanted. One thing I love about Amber’s work is that she always emphasizes quality and being a pleasure connoisseur as well as the spiritual aspects of sexuality. That really resonated with me and was what I think I really always wanted. Empress University is a supportive sisterhood and Amber is a five star teacher and coach. I would recommend her work to any woman really wanting to blossom in her sensual and spiritual life and to call in a deep soulful relationship.”

Sharon from Tulsa Oklahoma, School Teacher, 46


Exalt Your

Feminine Sensual Essence!

What's incLuded:

 I work with my ladies in 3 month commitments and the cost is 2700 upfront or 1k monthly which includes 3 weekly 75 min calls a month where we work through my Love of Your Life Coaching Signature Process together to Heal, Empower and Actualize You!

Alternatively, I offer My Sexual Healing and Actualization Signature Process which supports you to Become More Joyfully Embodied and Multi Orgasmic! Both processes include Ancestral and Family Systemic Healing Inherited Family Trauma and even Past Life Healing and Akashic Record Reading when needed to clear emotional blocks and stuck energy keeping you from realizing your dreams.

To empower you and give you insight into your true self and your best path forward I also offer optional Archetypal and Shamanic Astrology Readings including Your Birth or Natal Chart from a Archetypal and Shamanic perspective, your Birthday or Progressed Yearly Chart with Transits and a Relationship Chart or Astrocartography or Astrology Of Place to help you know if you are in the right place to make your dreams happen or where you might want to travel or visit. I will also offer you optional Flower Essence Readings and can make you Personalized Flower Essence Blends to support you to Heal Deep Emotional, Soul and Spiritual Challenges. 

  Be assured, I always work in a Compassionate,Therapeutic, Trauma Informed and Powerfully Transformational way as a result of my background in Clinical Psychology, Attachment Science and Goddess Oriented Tantra. I work with powerful Somatic Psychology and Body Based practices to Rewire Your Nervous System and Attachment System so you can have new and different experiences and reach your goals! 

 Further, I offer optional monthly 3 hr VIP days as an add on in person or online via zoom to go deeper into and focus on either Ancestral and Family Systemic Healing or Sensual Body Based Healing so you can start living your dreams even sooner! You can receive a Sacred Tantric Healing Session with me personally and in the final month I will create a special graduation ritual and tantric initiation for you to celebrate all your breakthroughs and wins and the new, more confident and happier you that will emerge from this process.

Right now is the opportunity and the moment where change is possible. I believe you are reading this for a reason. Don't let another year slip by feeling lonely and unfulfilled when you could be having the time of your life with the love of your life! Say yes to more ease, more joy, more fun and more pleasure in your life.

& Strategy call

Fill out this application now for a complimentary Exclusive Empress Coaching Claim Your Throne Strategy call privately with me! It takes less than 5 minutes and could change your life forever!



“Before Empress University I always seemed to attract men who just wanted to have sex with me. Through working with Amber St. Germain I became multi-orgasmic with my clothes on and learned how to work with a man’s sexual energy and most importantly his heart. I quickly learned how to use sexual energy to stop having to chase men and to have them chasing me instead. That was fun for a while. Now I have a devoted boyfriend and we create incredible tantric rituals together. This is so much better than anything I could have imagined before. I'm so grateful to have found Amber St. Germain and Empress University!”

Celeste from SF, Therapist,  28


“Amber St. Germain is a very compassionate and empathic person and an incredible teacher and I can't recommend her highly enough. Shortly after completing her Sacred Seductress and Empress Love Coach Courses I met my soulmate and life partner and the rest is history!”

Tammy, Bay Area, Massage Therapist, 37

“I was going through one of the most difficult times in my life when I worked with Amber St. Germain. My fiance had recently broken off our engagement. Amber did relationship coaching with the two of us including an incredible astrological couples reading as well as doing a Tantric Activation VIP day with me individually as well as with my partner and I can truly say that working with Amber was pivotal to my husband and I moving forward and getting married soon after we completed our work with her. In particular Amber helped my fiance who is almost a decade younger than me feel more confident and capable of making a solid commitment. She also helped me really feel myself sensually again and to bring pleasure into the painful places that had shut down when he broke off the engagement. I highly recommend Amber and her work with women as well as couples.”

Amanda Noelle, Twin Flame Matchmaker, SF,

"She has no fear but yet she teaches in such a loving way."

“She helped me through my own personal process and the questions I had both in regard to my personal life and my work in the world...She stressed ethics and personal integrity and is masterful in creating initiations and rituals. My work with Amber was a foundational element of the thriving practice I now have.”

Tamara M.- Massage Therapist and Relationship Coach- Santa Cruz, CA 

“My experience with Amber was one of the most enlightening and
soul changing experiences of my adult life. Amber St. Germain has a way of making you feel safe, accepted, and empowered as the goddess you were destined to be...I think of my time with her often which was life changing and consider meeting Amber a pivotal part of my growth as a spiritual and sensual woman. My experience with her inspired me to make a promise to honor the Goddess within at all times.”

Kelly K.- Northern California

“Amber St. Germain really embodies what she teaches as an Ecstatic Goddess and Priestess and she has great depth, wisdom and character. The Tantric coaching I did with her really helped to activate my own ecstatic nature and helped me to embrace the pleasure principle in my life as a fully orgasmic woman and Goddess. She inspired me to create exquisite and life changing Tantric rituals with my lover and to dedicate myself to my personal path of embodying pleasure. Her teachings and example also inspired me to become a Priestess of a women’s community and to teach Tantra myself and more fully actualize myself with my work in the world. Amber is one of the women I admire and respect the most and I would highly recommend her work and coaching to anyone.”

P. G.- Ontario, CA

“Amber St. Germain is fully committed to excellence and health and brings to her one of a kind educational work a wisdom and a savoir faire that is held by few others. Amber’s loving, supportive and insightful approach helps her to coach people toward their heart’s desires and a life that not only serves them but others as well...She deeply understands the spirit of a woman and helps women to find their voice in creating a relationship that is nourishing and supportive.” 

Patrice Carrington- Hypnotherapist and Health and Sleep Coach- Ashland, OR

“I have many years of experience in women’s circles and women’s work and feel that what Amber is teaching is unique and powerful. She is a graceful, passionate, and eloquent presenter and able to hold a safe container for women to go deep together.”

Jumana Sophia Presiding Priestess of The Goddess Temple of Ashland and HER Mystery School

“Amber St. Germain is a powerful woman full of compassion and boasting a lifetime of initiatory experience and able to hold a rare multi-dimensional field of transformation for those who are blessed to work with her.”

My mentor and one of my main teachers in Hellinger Constellations and Tantric Dance Felice Laurel- Ashland Oregon

“My wife and I met Amber St. Germain a couple of years ago in San Francisco. The experience exceeded our expectations and it truly improved our relationship. When you have been married as long as we have, that is quite a compliment to Amber and her work with couples.”
“The experience that Amber St. Germain facilitated for me and my partner had a profound impact on our relationship and sex life. With her guidance I feel like I was able to slow down and for the first time really look at and touch a woman and learn how to please my girlfriend more fully.”

DC, Military

“Amber St. Germain is a master coach, teacher and practitioner. She did a masterful job of every detail about our experience. She pays attention when you talk, hears and onboards what you say. She crafted the experience around us, and the small touches were recognized. Meditations, breathing, and playful energy building were engaging and fun. She created an atmosphere of pure sensuality and indulgence, and made us feel 100% at ease and comfortable, and ready to learn. We will absolutely be keeping in touch with Amber.”

C.S. and J.S., Raleigh Tech 

“My wife discovered new sensations, new areas that felt amazing she had never noticed before. She found her voice in being able to direct me to what felt good. Watching you on the table she said was actually incredibly beneficial, and she found that it "gave her permission." We were both completely at ease with the entire weekend, despite our anxiety walking in. You did an absolutely masterful job of creating comfort, atmosphere, chemistry, and energy that built and crested through the weekend. We agreed this was something we would love to do again even regularly.”

P.T. , Charlotte

“We have felt a sense of calming euphoria since Saturday, that has persisted strongly all the way through this Tuesday afternoon. We have felt aligned, connected, and in step with each other almost inexplicably. It has been wonderful.
Our senses have remained heightened. Going on walks here, smelling coffee in the morning, gentle touches we give each other throughout the day. All of this has been elevated. We are going to work very hard to maintain this, as it has been very intoxicating. I personally have felt a constant state of arousal. It has not waned at all, and has been there, just under the surface even in my day to day. This is all just the afterglow of everything from this past weekend retreat with you... 

Immediately after her session, she talked about being 100% completely in the moment, and completely in tune with everything, every touch, sensation, energy and the like. She’d never felt so much pleasure or even knew it was possible. However, she updated her sentiment after my session. She said, ya know....I thought I had completely let go during my session, but I realized I hadn't at all. I let go during your session. 

Prior to our weekend, she has a girlfriend whom she said it might be fun to do this couples retreat with. Then, after her session, I asked her again. Now that you’ve done it, and you know what is involved, would you still do this? And she said, surprisingly, ``Oh yeah, definitely."


What’s The Investment? 

One payment of $2700

Or 3 monthly payments of $1000

Pay in Full

Payment Plan

& Strategy call

Fill out this application now for a complimentary Exclusive Empress Coaching Claim Your Throne Strategy call privately with me! It takes less than 5 minutes and could change your life forever!
