Key Concepts

& Cornerstones
of Wisdom

EmpressUniversity is a Feminine Centered Experiential and Practical Spiritual Path 
Inclusive of Masculine Energy and The Solar Feminine.

5 Cornerstones of Wisdom

Nature- We are part of and not separate from nature and so we Align with Natural Cycles and Value, Nurture and Protect Nature Including Ourselves. 

Fem/Mas- We believe in seeking and embodying the deeper authentic essence of Feminine and Masculine Energy and creating a Sacred Union of feminine and masculine within ourselves and the world. 

Integral + Non-Dual- We value the totality of human experience and emotion both light and dark using acceptance and discernment. 

Active Receptivity/ Feminine Power- The Feminine or Shakti is the source of energy or power for creation and nurturing life. The masculine is the builder and protects and provides for life. 

Archetypal- We heal, evolve and actualize the Archetypes of The Priestess and The Queen which have often been misrepresented and forgotten as well as all the other Archetypes of the Empowered and Enlightened Feminine.






We Value Sisterhood and Co-Creation, Diversity in Community, Tolerance and Open-Mindedness, Relationality and Compassionate Communication, Sacred Vulnerability and Authenticity, Integrity and Agreements, Personal Growth and Grace or Choosing Forgiveness, Oneness and Harmony.

We create Safe Consensual Feminine Centered Space for women to do their sexual healing as well as provide resources and information for women who want to become more orgasmic and ecstatic. We do not believe that any one type of orgasm or orgasmic experience is necessarily better than any other or that any orgasm or orgasmic experience is necessarily better than not having an orgasm or orgasmic experience. Any person identified as female is included in this definition of women. 

We believe in the immense benefit to ourselves and the planet of Embodied Spiritual Practice which includes our sensuality, sexuality, and relationships. We believe there are many paths to the Divine and that sensuality, sexuality and ecstasy are valid spiritual paths, especially for many women who have a natural embodied spiritual authority in these realms. 

We practice a path of being Epicureans and Connoisseurs of the physical and sensual world. We use discernment and discrimination in our practice of pleasure trusting our embodied wisdom and intuition about what truly serves our personal and collective evolution. 

We believe in Wholism or a whole systems approach to body and mind and spirit and matter. We believe the splits that we have inherited from our culture and have internalized between the spiritual and physical, spirit and matter, the body and mind, and the sacred and profane are in actuality artificial divisions. We believe in an inclusive world view. 

We believe in Celebrating each woman’s sensual and sexual empowerment in a community of like minded women on a similar journey of self actualization. 

We believe every woman is a beautiful and unique embodiment of the Goddess of Love and we believe in the sexiness of older women and the sacred sensuality a woman embodies at each stage of her life. 

We believe in Fertility Empowerment. This means every woman should have access to information and experience about her body, sexuality, hormones, and biology and has the right to make informed decisions about what happens to her body. For example, she has the right to know about and to be connected to her own fertility cycle and to understand how to work with her fertility naturally such as with Herbalism or with more mainstream technologies such as birth control to decide when she wants to bring a child into the world or not and to be healthy and fertile and if she chooses to Consciously Conceive. 

A sensually empowered woman is a woman who feels her power at such a deep level that nothing and no-one can take that away from her. All creativity is sourced ultimately from feminine sensual life force energy. As women we are the natural authority in the sensual spiritual realms and these are not really separate.

Empress Love Coach Certification Academy Guiding Values or Key Concepts

We are Epicureans and Connoisseurs of Exalted Femininity and Sensuality who do Embodied Spiritual Practices which includes sexuality, and relationships.

I’ve really gone deep with this wisdom around particular Goddess Archetypes that I've been gathering all my life since I was an adolescent carrying around The Goddess in Every Woman book by Jean Bolen like it was the bible and reading it over and over again during my teens. I see everything archetypally. I see patterns everywhere and i always have and I've studied many different archetypal systems and compared and contrasted them. Archetypes are universal patterns that live in and inform our culture and psyches but they are also alive. What i mean by that is they are acting and evolving through us every day. They inform us about who we are and what to do but we can also inform and change them. What a grand thing to be able to consciously work with Archetypes and to intentionally evolve and reinvent the grand myths that pattern the universe!

Let me give you an example. Let’s take Gemini, the archetype of the twins. On the surface we think of it as about communication, the mind and duality but on a deeper level it’s about so much more than that. It’s actually a very tantric archetype since it’s about understanding polarity and being able to create unity. Gemini’s tarot card is The Lovers. This archetype is also about transcending the mind and duality and using polarity for creation and invention. In the Archetypes of The Empowered Feminine this archetype is called The Sorceress and Secret Geisha, She Who Is The Secret One. 

   Now let’s take a look at Virgo. Virgo has an even worse reputation culturally than Gemini. People think it’s about being a virgin and being critical. In The Archetypes of The Empowered Feminine Virgo is The Sexual Priestess and The Oracle. She is the priestess in each of us who is connected to the natural cycles and to the sacred and who knows when something is out of alignment and out of balance and can speak with authority about the sacred. She is a virgin in the original meaning of the word which is a woman who is owned by no-one except herself. She knows and understands her own nature and she initiates others with her mastery of the sacred and the spiritual. The Archetypes of The Empowered Feminine are dear to my heart and I am really excited to see how all of our experiences with them will inform this work and I'm sure it will be fascinating to see how they continue to evolve over time.


We will be focusing on relaxing into our feminine and mastering the art of active receptivity which is about creating from our feminine energy so that as women we don’t get burned out by running too much masculine energy in the imbalanced and overly masculine culture and world most of us live in. Our feminine bodies are meant to be relaxed, receptive and highly nourished and nourishing and we are meant to create and manifest our desires and dreams relatively effortlessly as the Queens we are in sisterhood with other empowered women and supported by the masculine within and the masculine without. As women if we don’t learn how to relax into our feminine energy we end up with health problems and hormonal issues. I know, I learned a lot of these lessons the hard way but you don’t have to. You can step into your Sovereignty and Queenship now.

Active Receptivity

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