Global Healing, Sacred Masculine, Uncategorized

December 9, 2022

Predator to Protector- Transforming my Masculine Energy with a lineage Fire Ritual

For the last few years as i’ve been birthing my online business I’ve been working especially hard on my masculine energy. I did not have great role modeling in this regard as men in my family struggled with addiction and were either overly passive or overly militant. As a result I was afraid of and disliked masculine energy unconsciously because I had experienced it as abusive. Instead I focused on reclaiming my feminine which was devalued in the misogynistic culture in which I had grown up. I went to a mostly all women’s college and studied mainly feminine arts and Goddess history and spirituality. I still love the rich Goddess cultures that raised me spirituality to be a powerful woman who adores her feminine! However when I moved to study marketing and business to the sunny desert of fiercely competitive Southern California where youthful Aries masculine energy reigns supreme I had to really experience my own warrior masculine energy at a whole new level just to survive being there. I went through an incredible transformation of almost dying and then healing my relationship with God, being reborn in Christ and now receiving crystal clear guidance from my relationship with the Holy Spirit. I healed my relationship with the God of my childhood and Christianity in general while also healing my health and my life. I was able to get my debilitating autoimmune condition in remission after being bed ridden on and off for over a decade and have more wealth and better relationships and more happiness and peace than ever before. Praise God! I still work very much with Goddess energies and Feminine Divine and I’m so grateful for the spiritual awakenings I’ve been blessed with. I’m not crazy and I’ve heard the voice of God and seen the face of Christ. I would say I’m a Christian Mystic while also being a Buddhist and a Tantric Priestess. I practice a form of Japanese Buddhism for world peace. I’ve worked hard these last few years in reimagining the masculine Divine from a punitive God to a loving father. I now believe God is good and is looking out for me personally. I have experienced a great deal of evidence to this effect over the last few years. In the process I’ve been loving experiencing my own powerfully embodied masculine warrior energy. He is the protector and provider and he exalts my feminine. He can make shit happen and his optimism and confidence is unstoppable. Since the masculine energy has been so crippled in my lineage I recently decided to do a “Burning Man” ritual with my family. I had a Balinese statue of The Supreme God made of precious wood and exquisitely carved that had been damaged and I decided the best use of him at this point was as a sacrifice. My mom loves to do bonfires on the weekends and burn everything she can so last weekend I hosted a “Predator to Protector” ritual for my 5 siblings and my mom and her husband transforming the toxic masculine energy in my lineage and the world. We all put our intentions of what we wanted to transform into the deity and I read mine allowed and then we watched the beautiful statue turn to ashes before our eyes while I affirmed what I am calling in through my masculine, more ease around making money etc. I also shared Akara’s invocation, embellished a little by me, “All the predators in the world really only want to be protectors! All the prison builders in the world really only want to liberate humanity. And all the tyrants in the world really only want to be noble leaders!”. My family had never done anything like that before and I think they really enjoyed it and it has seemed to have a good effect on everyone. Please share below how you experience your own masculine energy or masculine energy in general? Blessed Be Dear Ones.

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