Sacred Seductress Archetypes, Uncategorized

December 9, 2022

7 Ways to Embody the Sacred Seductress Archetype of The Secret Geisha!

“And if every way is closed before you the secret one will show a secret path no other eyes have seen.” Rumi

Who is The Secret Geisha? 

This archetype relates to Gemini in Western Astrology, The Monkey in Chinese Astrology and The Lovers in The Tarot. 

She is about the tantra path of mastering unity from duality. This is a path of “transcendent passion, the one who transforms sexual desire into spiritual awakening.” 

“She has a white face and wears a red kimono. She is both the alluring Geisha and the Dragon Priestess”. She “sits in her red chamber and holds the box which contains a secret or many secrets”. Her box is a hermetic vessel where the energy within can be worked on and transformed in a safe and deep way. Nothing is too intense for her. 

She is a Sorceress and Shape-shifter who has access to the unconscious realms and what lies beneath appearances. She relates to the hidden, the underworld and secret desires. 

She sits atop waterfalls. Below her is her blue lotus temple. She has all the skills of a geisha in 

the arts, entertainment and conversation and relates to The Courtesan Archetype. 

1- Be sensitive to aesthetics. 

Create your world visually and verbally exquisitely for yourself and others. Master the artistic and aesthetic. Be attuned to mood, atmosphere, and the aesthetic. 

2- Use the magic of timelessness. 

“To be in the Floating World of Tantric Geisha is to be in the timeless now… When you are in the Floating World, only the Floating World exists.” Ichi-go or ichi-e- Just this one moment, once in a lifetime.

3- Use the power of grace, subtlety, and refinement. 

“Look to the women of the East to see the power in grace and the strength in subtlety.” Subtle sexiness. 

4- “Step ‘out of your box’. 

Take the opportunity to have different and unusual life experiences, just for their own sake. 

Do you have a wish to step outside the confines of your life? Do you have a desire to experience the finer things of life? Are you dissatisfied with how you are seen and wishing to establish different criteria for yourself? 

Secret Geisha represents the unconventional face of love and attraction. One which stands outside the rules of convention, but is highly civilized, according to a different system of values which it adheres to…Intimate exchange, devoid of projection into the future or association with mundane reality, thereby having its own innate purity.”

5- Work with fantasy, yours and others. 

Secret Geisha creates just the right illusion using both fantasy and reality. “Nature and artistry blend in a magical illusion of eternal spring”. Live out exotic fantasies.

6- Be a trusted confidant. The Secret Geisha “has no agenda, she wants nothing from you but your own realization, she is the fair and neutral zone where you can lay open your deepest desires, ask to be touched where no one else has touched you, expose your wounds, admit your guilts and not be judged…You have something that you do not want to be public knowledge, but you need to share it with someone. If there is no one you can trust, Secret Geisha says you can share it with her. She has a special box to keep your secret in.” Secret Heaven- Secret Geisha’s abode, a place that only the two of us know. Sexual Priestess as men’s confidant. 

7- Embody the energy of The Secret Geisha. 

“Know that you can only receive what you are prepared to give. Start giving as you would wish to receive. If you have a partner, take on the energy of Secret Geisha for an evening and treat your beloved. Let Secret Geisha treat you how you would love to be treated…Secret Geisha keeps a special appointment with you, gracing you with her presence…She awaits your rendezvous with saki and two cups…She pours your saki, washes your feet, her laughter tingles in your ears like music…

Dakini Transmission

I am your private geisha

Designed to please

Excite and tease

Stimulate and gently challenge

There are other things

I offer too

But those are secret

Only known to you”

Time of Year- Early Summer Solstice, Point of Most Light, Magical Animals- Hummingbird, Dragons, Coy Fish.

Excerpts from The Dakini Oracle by Penny Slinger          

Geisha Movies- Memoirs of a Geisha, The Pillow Book, Madame Butterfly…

The Art of Tea! Asian style tea- Puer! 

The Art of Soaking! Onsen- Hotsprings!

Modern Geisha makeup- dewy skin, minimal eye makeup ( an elegant black cats eye only for example), and red lips…

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