Couples, Female Sexuality, Sexuality, Uncategorized

December 9, 2022

5 Reasons Women are Shut Down Sexually and How You Can Help Change That!

1- Religious and cultural shaming around female sexuality and pleasure that has been going on for thousands of years as well as sexual traumas either experienced personally or passed down through the lineage. Let’s heal this once and for all and not pass it down to our children! 

2- Women in general are biologically wired as well as culturally programmed to caretake and please others. This results in an external focus on their partner’s pleasure rather than their own. They are also traditionally taught that sex is for the man or to have power in the relationship rather than for their own pleasure. They don’t realize that their genuine pleasure and enjoyment is a crucial ingredient in really pleasing their man. 

3- All the cultural emphasis on how a woman looks results in her external superficial focus and disconnection from how she feels in her body. A woman must change her point of reference to take back her power and pleasure. 

4- The sexual bonding differences between men and women. Women receive 30 times the oxytocin men receive from sex and orgasm and oxytocin is the bonding hormone also known as the “give away the farm” hormone. Women often shut down sexually to protect themselves emotionally because they don’t understand how bonding really works to try to keep themselves safe in the process of dating and mating. Learn how to master sexual and emotional energy and rise together in love. 

5- Most people don’t know about the spectrum of female orgasm from clitoral to penetration orgasms including female ejaculation and they don’t know about their natural ability to be multiorgasmic. Since very little is discussed in the mainstream and very little scientific research has been done on women’s health and sexuality most women don’t really understand their own anatomy, sexuality and orgasmic capacity. Many women are inexperienced sexually and may have only had one partner and haven’t had an opportunity to fully awaken their g-spot, deep penetration orgasms and amrita. Women often learn about their sexualiy from men who may have learned from magazines or porn rather than learning from another experienced fully orgasmic woman like myself. 

Personally I’ve gone from being shut down sexually and not enjoying my femininity to become a joyfully embodied multi-orgasmic woman who can enjoy food, sex, men and my body. For me the result was attracting my soulmate and life partner of 15 years and being able to realize many of my dreams like getting my graduate degree in Clinical and Body Based Psychology. Im also a Sex Therapist and Tantra Teacher of many years and i specialize in trauma, attachment or how we bond and ancestral and past life clearing. Check out and apply for my Sacred Seductress Course for women to learn more!

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