

Systemic Oppression and Healing

My maternal grandfather was a police officer and he shot and permanently injured a black man in the Chicago riots. Shortly after he was murdered by The Black Panthers while on duty coming back from escorting a class of disabled children on a field trip. My mom was only 4 years old when her father […]

December 9, 2022

Global Healing, Inherited Family Trauma, Uncategorized

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“Amor Fati- Love Your Fate” Nietzsche

Love Your Fate is a Stoic saying and practice. But how does one love one’s fate especially when there is loss, death, addiction, mental illness or any number of other aberrations to contend with? Did you know 12 step work is partly based on Stoicism? I’ve certainly resisted and rejected my fate alot! I’m a […]

December 9, 2022

Inherited Family Trauma, Uncategorized

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